Being charged with a drug crime is a life changing event. Drug crimes in Georgia are fairly common, however, they are frequently prosecuted severely, even when the person being convicted of the crime is an upstanding citizen who was caught possessing or selling a small amount of drugs.
There are serious consequences for drug crimes, including time in jail or prison, heavy fines, community service, court ordered drug and alcohol counseling and a permanent criminal record. If you find yourself facing these charges, consulting with a Savannah drug crime lawyer can help navigate the complexities of your case and potentially reduce the penalties you might face.
Every state regulates the possession of controlled dangerous substances (CDS), though each differs in its definition of CDS and the penalties for their possession. Georgia classifies not only well known drugs like marijuana, heroin and cocaine as controlled substances, but also the compounds used to manufacture them. Georgia divides its CDS into five schedules, according to their likelihood for abuse. (Georgia Code Section 16-13-25 through 16-13-29):
At Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C., we represent people facing serious drug charges and drug related offenses under both Georgia and federal drug crimes, including:
Although all cases are unique and penalties will vary from case to case, Georgia does impose harsh penalties for drug offenders. Common penalties include large fines, possible terms of imprisonment, drug treatment programs, driver’s license suspension, probation, and more. If the alleged crime was committed close to a school, enhancements can be placed on a sentence. Any drug conviction will make you ineligible to secure federal student aid or subsidized loans.
With potential jail sentences ranging from 2 to 15 years for certain possession charges and a statutory minimum 10 to 40 years if you are convicted of trafficking, you need a strong and dependable Savannah drug crime attorney on your side. We can explore all options for your defense, whether we negotiate with prosecutors or we aggressively fight in court.
Our Savannah drug defense lawyers are litigators first, negotiators second. We don’t plead out cases because it is easier. Instead, we fight for our clients’ rights. Prosecutors know we aren’t afraid to try our clients’ cases in court.
If you have been charged with a drug crime, you need to seek the services of an experienced Savannah drug crimes attorney who knows the Georgia drug laws backwards and forwards. Our criminal defense attorneys in Savannah, GA have defended many drug crime charges and can help you get the charges against you reduced or dismissed entirely.
A conviction for a drug offense in Savannah or elsewhere in Georgia will leave you with a permanent criminal record and possible prison sentence. It is always best to get the expert advice of an experienced and aggressive Savannah defense lawyer who will advocate on your behalf. You are not guilty unless and until a court of law deems it so.
Many defensive strategies are available and our attorneys are experts in representing individuals such as yourself who were allegedly caught with illegal drugs. To schedule your complimentary case review, contact our office today at 912-713-3426. You will have the opportunity to review your case and your options with an experienced drug crimes lawyer in Savannah, GA.